• Academic Marathon International Final 2020

    Summary and Results

  • by the Numbers

    26 Participating Countries

    601 Participants

    17 Subjects

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    International Final

  • Online Experience

    Material-based objective test for the international final round in two hours

    (specially formatted for online)

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    Fuzzy processing has been taken to protect personal privacy.

  • Problem Design Advisors

    The problem design advisors of the AM International Final 2020 are from the following colleges (in alphabetical order).

    To all our honorable advisors, it is with sincere appreciation that we say “thank you.” for volunteering time and expertise choosing challenging topics, giving suggestions for test design, and reviewing the test paper for AM International Final Round.

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    Columbia University

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    Emory University

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    Harvard University

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    Imperial College London

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    Princeton University

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    University of California, Berkeley

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    University of California, Los Angeles

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    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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    University of Oxford

  • Winners for Team Awards

    The average score of the team is calculated according to the team with more than 3 participants.

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  • Winners for Individual Awards



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    Special Subjects

    To all our participants of the special subjects (Philosothon, Statsthon and Musicothon), it is with sincere appreciation that we say "thank you." for pursuing these special subjects.

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